Now offering ELDT Behind the Wheel Training and Train the Trainer
Training in your facility on your equipment
Develop a CDL Trainer for your district
Behind the Wheel Quote Request
Get started today before this opportunity expires
Includes purchase of Student Transport School Bus CDL Training Platform. Unlimited trainees going forward
School Bus Driver CDL/ELDT Platform
Providing speed and flexibility to CDL trainees from Learner's Permit through the CDL Skills Test.
Translates to more drivers

Commercial Learner's Permit
Independent Study Course
Prepare for the BMV written tests
Timeline: 3 hours

Entry Level Drivers Training
Independent Study Course
FMCSA approved / ST uploads scores
Timeline: 3 hours

Skills Test
Combo Study Course
Pretrip, Brake Test, Backing, RR & Stops
BTW Instructor and Trainee Set Pace
Now Offering Behind the Wheel and Train the Trainer Courses in Your Facility on Your Equipment
If you need help getting new drivers through the CDL process, we can come to your facility and complete training from getting hired to acquiring the CDL.
Take the next step by having us train a driver in your district to become the CDL trainer. Course includes purchase of the Student Transport CDL training platform for all future trainees.
Request More InformationWhat do trainees say about the platform?

New Customer Web Portal
Track Driver Progress in real-time
- Full access from any internet connected device. (No files to download or share).
- Director or designee receives admin access to load your own trainees.
- Unlimited number of trainees.
- No extra charge.

Power and Flexibility of the platform
Our platform allows access from any internet connected device. This gives your trainees the freedom to work from home or at the bus garage, without being tied to a trainer's schedule. This enables you to maintain schedule flexibility for busy professionals.
Commercial Learner's Permit Course (CLP)
Get your new hires off to a great start by giving them our CLP course for the written tests at the BMV. We use videos and PowerPoints based on the actual test questions.
Trainee self-study course.
CLP PAGEEntry Level Driver Training (ELDT)
FMCSA approved course. Three hours of videos covering all topics required by the ELDT guidelines. Our course is designed specifically for school bus drivers, by focusing on the information new drivers need to be successful.
Trainee self-study course.
ELDT PageAll The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business
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CDL Skills Test (CDL)
We utilize videos and PowerPoints to teach the details of pre-trip, air breaks, cones course, and student stops to cut training time in half.
CDL PageSchedule a live Zoom for a deeper look into the platform and see how we can add value to your organization.
(20-30 minutes)
Zoom Sign-up